The 7 Best Things To Come From The Cubs’ World Series Win

November 9, 2016 by (Edit)

Holy Cow!!! We did it! That is, after over 100 years of trying and failing, the Cubs managed to land the World Series title and we, they’re loyal fans, were able to witness it together. I tell you, never before had I wanted so badly to be in Wrigley Field for a game! Fortunately, I had my dad and the rest of our Chicago transplant family to keep me company all the way down in Florida.

The last time the Cubs won the World Series was in 1908. The last time the Cubs appeared in the World Series was 1945. It’s been over 108 years since we won and over 71 years since we’ve made an appearance. Not only did we take the Series, but we did so with the best regular-season record in the MLB. Wow.

But the magic of November 2, so greatly exceeds just that night. It spreads into a number of moments that have happened and will keep on happening until the Cubs get their next World Series title. Looking back on that fateful night, I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite moments.


Bill Murray

For whatever reason, there’s no other figure that looms quite as large in the Chicago spotlight as Bill Murray. He’s our funny guy, our comedian, but he’s also our guide, our mentor, our guru, our patron saint. Getting to watch Bill Murray’s reaction to the Cubs game was almost as good as getting to watch the Cubs win in and of itself.

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